Selasa, 20 November 2012

baju batik modern

Baju Batik Modern


buku mengenai dunia fashion & clothing business

the fashion designer's directory of shape and style The Fashion Designer's Directory of Shape and Style
Both students of fashion design and professionals in the field will find valuable inspiration in this profusely illustrated idea book. More than 1,200 detailed illustrations provide the building blocks for designing imaginative and original clothing. The opening section serves as a photo-illustrated catalog of basic shapes for: Sleeves, Necklines, Hems, Pockets, Ties and Fastenings, Collars, Cuffs, Waistbands, Embellishments (lace, appliquque, etc.)
The book's second and main section combines photos and fashion illustrations to present unique and original design ideas for all of the above-noted clothing parts. Sixteen original designs per page are sketched in a grid format, according to intended use: casual clothing, formal, special occasion, and essential. The drawings are cross-referenced according to suggested fabrics for construction. A gatefold flap inside the book presents an outline human figure to guide designers in mixing and matching garment parts. The book's final section, titled "Taking It Further," shows how to find additional inspiration from outside sources, for instance from architectural details, or the graphic designs of the 1960s Op Art movement, or the dress designs of the 1930s. Readers will also find inventive ideas for using specialty fabrics, including silk, organza, and suede. Color photos and illustrations on every page.
Baju batik modern; batik modern; model baju batik modern; busana batik modern; BAJU MUSLIM; baju modern; model batik modern; design model baju batik
Berikut ini adalah katalog baju batik dan model baju batik muslim:

Alternatif pilihan fashion baju wanita dewasa

baju tunik wanita Baju Tunik Wanita SAV-1557
Tunik kaos katun misty warna ungu, dengan model offnesel berjejer,untaian cincin silver mempermanis penampilan anda.
baju tunik wanita Baju Tunik Wanita SAV-1559
Tunik katun poly motif bunga dengan kombinasikatun polos diddada, di permanis ddengan kancing berlian kecil.
baju blus wanita Baju Blus Wanita SAV-1590
Blus spandex rayon warna orannye model drapperi.
Pemesanan: Kirim pesan SMS ke (0857) 2273-9060, atau kirim pesan email ke email sentra baju
Pesanan dipenuhi sejauh stok baju masih tersedia (akan di-check lebih dahulu)

Kata pencarian :

Baju batik modern, BAJU MUSLIM, model baju batik modern, model baju batik wanita modern, baju batik wanita, baju batik wanita modern, batik modern, baju gamis modern, design model baju batik, baju batik modern wanita, desain baju batik modern, model baju batik modern wanita, batik modern wanita, model batik modern, model baju batik muslim modern, baju batik muslim modern, model batik modern wanita, model baju batik remaja, busana muslim batik modern, baju muslim batik modern

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Design by Zairoh Ulfah RPL XII 02 SMK Hasan Kafrawi 2012